Country Name
Albania Albania Prof R. Isufi

Graduated from Faculty of Medicine, University of Tirana, on 1980
Postgraduate specialization PhD on 1999, Prof As on 2007, Prof on 2012 in medicine.

Research interests:
Research activity of Ramazan Isufi is focused on Reconstructive surgery; Orthognathic Surgery , Cleft Surgery and Oncology.

Current Position is Head of Department of Oral & Maxillofacial surgery and senator in Medicine University, Lecturer from 1991, Head of O.MF. Service from 1995-2015.

Author of 10 published books, 60 articles and 150 scientific presentations in national and international forums and actively participated in more than 500 national and international scientific activities.

Armenia Armenia Dr L. Khachatryan

Yerevan (Armenia), 1983
Armenian Medical Institute (2004-2009) Yerevan, Armenia
Yerevan State Medical University (2009-2012) Yerevan, Armenia
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon (2012)
Maxillofacial surgeon “Aramyanc” Medical Center (2012), Yerevan, Armenia
Director, Maxillofacial surgeon “Modern Implant Medicine” LLC (2012), Yerevan, Armenia
AAMFOS Member (2009-)
EACMFS Active member (2015-)
Austria Austria Dr P. Wolfgang Pöschl

Academic career:

  • 1998: Medical University of Vienna (MUW, Austria): Medical Doctor (MD)
  • 2004: University of Regensburg (Germany), Dental School: Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD)
  • 1998-2006: Resident for OMFS (CMF) at the Medical University of Graz, (Austria) and the MUW
  • 2006: Specialist for OMFS and senior consultant
  • 2011: Assistant Professor for OMFS (CMF) at the MUW
  • 2012: Habilitation (PhD) for OMFS (CMF) with a habilitation treatise about maxillary squamous cell carcinoma at the MUW
  • 2013: Head of the Department for OMFS at Klinikum Wels-Grieskirchen (Austria): Primarius

Research and other qualifications:

  • Author of numerous scientific publications (31 PUBMED listed) and reviewer of many international peer-reviewed journals, e.g. JOMS, Head and Neck
  • Co-founder and promoter of the interdisciplinary Board for Head and Neck tumors at
  • the Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC) of the MUW
  • Member of the executive board of the Austrian Society for Oral and Maxillofacial
  • Surgery (OEGMKG), member of EACMFS, AOCMF, DGZMK, OEGCH
  • Private office with a special focus on implantology
  • Promoter of the monthly OEGMKG webinar for OMFS residents
  • Member of the ethics committee of Kepler University Linz, Austria
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Prof. C. Rahimov

  • Professor and Chairman of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Department of Azerbaijan Medical University, Azerbaijan, Baku.
  • President of Azerbaijan Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Society
  • 40 years of hands-on practice in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, 37 years of scientific research and 25 years of teaching experience. Over 120 published scientific articles, of which 28 were added to PubMed.
  • Have trained more than 10 PhD and 3 MDM young specialists.
  • The youngest Doctor of Science in Maxillofacial Surgery in former USSR

Research interest:

  • Cranio-maxillofacial reconstructive surgery based on digital technology;
  • Arthroscopy and arthrocentesis TMJ; total joint TMJ arthroplasty
  • Advanced dental and maxilla-facial implantation for maxillo-facial prosthodontics.
Belarus Belarus Prof I. Pohodenko-Chudakova

MsD, PhD, Professor, Head of the
Department of Oral Surgery, Dental Faculty
Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk Republic of BelarusIrina Pohodenko – Chudakova was born on 2.02.1968. In 1990 she graduated from the Dental Faculty of the Minsk State Medical Institute (nowadays Belorusian State Medical University). Irina Pohodenko – Chudakova is a Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Surgical Dentistry of the Belorusian State Medical University. She authored more than 730 scientific works (including 7 monographs, 17 patents, 30 rationalization proposals and 43 educational-methodological works).
Under her guidance, 6 doctoral theses are currently being defended. Irina Pohodenko – Chudakova has been the recipient of honorary diplomas awarded by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, and the Rector of the Belarusian State Medical University.
Belgium Belgium Dr Van Hemelen

– Head of Maxillofacial unit GH Monica, Antwerp – Belgium
– Consultant Maxillofacial surgery H. Hart Hospital, Lier – Belgium
– Consultant Craniofacial surgery University Hospital Antwerp
– Coordinator Head & Neck oncology GH Monica, Antwerp, H. Hart hospital, Lier,GH KLINA, Brasschaat
– Coordinator training program Maxillofacial surgery
– Secretary-general Royal Belgian Scientific Society for Oral & Maxillofacial surgery
– President Kiwanis Herentals 2022-2023
– Councillor EACMFS

Bosnia-Herzegovina Bosnia & Herzegovina Dr A. Jašarevic

Bulgaria Bulgaria Prof N. Yanev

Croatia Croatia Prof I. Luksic

Prof. Ivica Luksic, MD, MSc, PhD, is a renowned expert in the field of head and neck cancer surgery. He is the Chair of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Stomatology at the University of Zagreb School of Medicine and the Head of the Department of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery at the Dubrava University Hospital.
Cyprus Cyprus Dr G. Pantelas

Head of the Oral and Maxillofacial surgery department of the Nicosia General Hospital Cyprus with rich clinical and surgical experience across the spectrum of specialty with main object oncology, traumatology, and especially in surgery of tumors of salivary glands.Chief Medical Officer of the State Health Services OrganisationAssociate Professor of oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and member of the Faculty of Medicine of the European University of Cyprus with educational work and training students of the Medical and Dental department.President or ex president – member of scientific societies, voluntary associations, sports clubs, local, Greek, European and international Associations.Chairman – member of the organizing committee of many local and international scientific conferences.Member of Editorial Board of Balkan Journal of Dental Medicine, and Hellenic Archives of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.He has presented papers and he given lectures to over 200, local and international conferences and has published in Greek and international journals. He has published and co-published two books.
G Pantelas
Czech-Republic Czech Republic Dr L. Hauer

Lukáš Hauer graduated his studies of dentistry in 2004 and general medicine studies in 2007 at the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University, Czech Republic. He finished OMFS specialization in 2015 and succeeded the PhD degree in the field of Pathology at the same faculty in 2016 (The thesis topic: Molecular genetic characteristics of salivary gland tumors in differential diagnosis and prognosis prediction). Since 2007 he has been working as a physician and an assistant professor at the Department of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital and Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University, Czech Republic. In 2020 he was appointed Associate Professor in the field of Stomatology (The habilitation thesis: Surgical management of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw). He is continuously acting both as a pregradual and specialist academic teacher for oral and maxillofacial surgery. Since 2017 he has been a lecturer of oral surgery in the educational system of the Czech Dental Chamber. He is an editorial board member of Czech Dental Journal. He is also active in research and publishing as an author and co-author of more than 40 articles in medical journals with more than 159 citations in available literature, H-index 4. During his career he has actively participated in many educational courses and scientific conferences. Currently, he is the leader of head and neck cancer surgery and reconstruction team at his department. He is also interested in ONJ and facial trauma management.
Denmark Denmark Dr T. Kofod

Estonia Estonia Dr R. Gudova

Institutions and positions
2020-…: Tartu University Hospital, Dentistry Clinic of Tartu University Hospital, doctor-lecturer
2020-…: OÜ City Hambakliinik, oral and maxillofacial surgeon
2014: AS Pärnu Hambapolikliinik, dentist
2014–2015: AS Maxilla, dentist
2013: University of Tartu, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Vivarium, technician/laborer
2013–2014: AS Viljandi Hambakliinik, junior dentist

2018 – …: University of Tartu, PhD student
2015–2020: University of Tartu, Stomatology Clinic, residency of oral and maxillofacial surgery
2009–2014: University of Tartu, dentistry

R&D related managerial and administrative work
2019−…: European Association for Cranio Maxillo Facial Surgery
2017−…: Baltic Association for Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery
2015−…: Estonian Junior Doctors’ Association
2014−2015: Estonian Dental Association

Finland Finland Dr M. Saloniemi

2008 DDS, University of Helsinki, Finland
2011 PhD, University of Helsinki, Finland
2016 MD, University of Helsinki, Finland
2019 Specialist in OMFS (dent), University of Helsinki, Finland
2021 Specialist in OMFS (med), University of Helsinki, Finland
2021 Consultant OMFS, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Diseases, Helsinki University Hospital
2021 Board member in Finnish Association for Maxillofacial Surgery
2024 Councillor EACMFSHead and neck oncological surgery, microvascular reconstruction, maxillofacial traumatology, implantology
France France Dr J. Davrou

Hospital Practitioner in the Maxillofacial Surgery Department of Pitié-Salpêtrière University Hospital of Prof. Chloé BERTOLUS, Paris, France.

Assistant Prof 2010-2012 and hospital practitioner 2014-2018 in the Department of Profs. Bernard DEVAUCHELLE and Sylvie TESTELIN, Amiens, France.

Fields of expertise in orthognathic surgery and reconstructive microsurgery.

Treasurer of the French Association of Facial Surgeons (

Researcher and Member of the Facing Faces Institute (

Board member of the French Society of Head and Neck Cancer (

Member of the French Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (

Member of the French Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery (

Germany Germany Prof F. J Kramer

Education & Training:
1987 – 1996: Medical and dental education at the Hanover Medical University, Germany; one year fellowship in Boston /USA and in New York /USA;
1996: Entry into residency at the Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Hanover Medical University, Germany; (Head: Prof. Dr. Dr. J. E. Hausamen)
2001: Specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery, appointment as senior physician
2004: PhD-thesis and transfer to the Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Goettingen, Germany (Head: Prof. Dr. Dr. H. Schliephake);
2018: Head of the Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Bonn, Germany

Scientific & Clinical Focus:
Tumor biology and therapy of oral carcinoma, bone biology and osseous regeneration, orofacial microvascular reconstruction, virtual planning, correction of congenital malformations, e.g. cleft lip and palate, orthognathic surgery, dental implantology

Greece Greece Dr A. Mylonas

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Medical Historian.
Graduate of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Dentistry, Greece, and National and Kapodistrian University of Athens School of Medicine, Greece. PhD degree in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens School of Dentistry, Greece, and PhD degree in History and Philosophy of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens School of Medicine, Greece. Board certified in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery [Hellenic Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery] (2003).
Associate Director, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, “Metropolitan” Hospital, N. Faliro, Piraeus, Greece. External Partner-Clinical Associate, “Eugenideio Hospital-The Holy Trinity SA”, and “ORTHOBIOTIKI-Prevention & Antiaging Private Polyclinic SA”, Athens, Greece. Private Practice of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Athens, Greece. Clinical Instructor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, and Research Associate-Medical Historian, Department of History of Medicine and Medical Ethics, School of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. Clinical Instructor of Microvascular Surgery, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the Thorax Foundation Department of Experimental Surgery, “Evangelismos” General Hospital of Athens, Greece, (2002-2012).
Post-graduate training in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Germany, Netherlands, UK, Austria, USA). Editor-in-Chief (2016-2020), Hellenic Archives of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Official publication in Greek and English of the Hellenic Association for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
Visiting Scholar/Professor, University Hospital Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Michigan Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA (9/2016-12/2016).
Regular Member of the Working Group for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Central Health Council, Ministry of Health, Hellenic Republic (2017-2020). President (2021-2024) of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Association for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
Hungary Hungary Prof K. Nagy

Maxillofacial Surgeon with special interest and expertise in cleft surgery. He is the Head and leading surgeon of the Face Reconstruction Centre, and the Associate Professor at the Semmelweis University. He works as a Consultant Maxilla Surgeon, in AZ St-an Bruges Oostende Hospital, and as Guest Professor at Leuven University, KU Leuven, Belgium.PROFESSIONAL SKILLS

  • Cleft and craniofacial surgery
  • Orthognathic surgery
  • 3D simulation and virtual treatment planning


  • European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS)
  • Craniomaxillofacial Section, Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen (AO)
  • European Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Head and Neck Surgery(FEBOMFS)
Prof Z. Nemeth
Ireland Ireland Dr M. Cashman

Israel Israel Prof A. Rachmiel

Professor and Head of the department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Rambam Health Care Campus and Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa, Israel. Performed his fellow at the Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, Providence hospital, Southfield, Michigan USAMain interests – Maxillofacial deformities, cleft-palate surgery, facial trauma, facial bones reconstruction including patient-specific-implants, obstructive sleep apnea, distraction-osteogenesis and the influence of growth factors to improve osteogenesisProf. Rachmiel is among the pioneers in the development of distraction osteogenesis in both research and clinical cases.
Prof. Adi Rachmiel published over 110 articles and various book chapters in the international literature.
Italy Italy Prof F. De Ponte

Degree in DDS and MD. Specialist in Maxillo-Facial Surgery. He was Head of the School of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of Messina (2001/2004). Full Professor of Maxillo-Facial Surgery , Head of the School of Maxillo-Facial Surgery and Head of Maxillo-Facial Surgery Unit at University Policlinic Hospital in Messina, Italy.
Kosovo Kosova Dr M. Prekazi-Loxha Mergime Prekazi Loxha,
Born on 01.09.1973 in Zagreb-Croatia.
1999- Faculty of Medicine , Dentistry School- Tirana , Albania
2000-Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry Branch, Department of Maxillofacial Surgery
2000-University Clinical Center of Prishtina, Department of Maxillofacial Surgery
2006-Specialist of Maxillofacial Surgery
2007-Master Degree, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry Branch, Department of Maxillofacial Surgery:’ Epidemiology of Maxillofacial Region Fractures in Kosova”
2014-PhD Degree, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry Branch, Department of Maxillofacial Surgery: “Selective neck dissection, necessary or not in Squamos Cell Carcinoma od the lip T1 and T2”
Present: Works at University of Prishtina-Faculty of Medicine – University Clinical Center of Kosova
Latvia Latvia Dr G. Salms

LIthuania Lithuania Prof D. Razukevicius

Moldova Moldova Dr I. Suharschi

Suharschi Ilie, PhD, associate professor of oral and maxillo-facial surgery department of State Medical University and Emergency Medicine Institute in Chișinău, Republic of Moldova with a background of dental faculty, OMF residence and doctoral studies in Moldova and Moscow, Russia. His clinical practice is focused on trauma, benign tumors and reconstructive surgery, with researches in implementation of static computer assisted surgery in treatment of those patients.
Dr I. Suharschi
Netherlands Netherlands Dr R. van Es

1985 DMD 1990 MD
1996 Maxillofacial Surgeon
2001 PhD Master Thesis on Head-neck Cancer
2001 – Senior-staff Dpt OMF Surgery University Medical Center Utrecht
2004 – Head of Maxillofacial unit Children’s Hospital Utrecht
Secretary of Dutch Surgical College.
Board-member of the Dutch Head-Neck Society
Board-member of the Dutch Scientific Dental Society
Prof V. Popovski
Macedonia North Macedonia Prof V. Popovski

Professor Vladimir Popovski is Maxillofacial surgeon on the University Clinic for Maxillofacial Surgery, in Skopje, Macedonia.
Formerly Head of the Clinic 2006-2008 and President of MAMFS 2004-2014. From 2007-2013 Director of the Skopje EACMFS Educational Trainee Center.
Currently – President of BAMS, Councillor in EACMFS and President of the MDC.
Prof V. Popovski
Norway Norway Dr N. P Fossland

Dr. Nils Petter Fossland

Head of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at St. Olavs University Hospital since 2015

  • Authorised to practice as a medical practitioner, M.D 2005
  • 2005-2015 registrar in otorhinolaryngology, and oral/maxillofacial surgery.
  • 2012 specialist in Otorhinolaryngology
  • 2015 specialist in Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Fellowships:
    • Chris O’Brien Lifehouse, Sydney, Australia. 2019, 6 months, Honorary fellow Head and Neck
  • Main interests: Orthognathic surgery and Reconstructive Surgery with 3D simulation and virtual treatment planning.
Poland Poland Dr Z. Stopa

Dr Zygmunt Stopa is Vice-Head of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Associated Professor at the Medical University of Warsaw in Poland, where he studied medicine and later obtained his PhD. He is a regional specialist in Maxillofacial Surgery of the Mazovian Voivodeship. Dr Stopa runs research into TMJ surgery and endoscopic treatment of mandibular fractures. He regularly participates in national and international Congresses and co-organizes international EACMFS Training Courses and Workshops.
Portugal Portugal Dr H. Marques

Romania Romania Prof M. Baciut

Disciplina de Chirurgie si Implantologie Maxilofaciala
Facultatea de Medicina Dentara
Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie “Iuliu Hatieganu”
400029 Str. Cardinal Iuliu Hossu nr. 37, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Russia Russia Dr A. Ivanov

Alexandre L. Ivanov, PhD is Head of Department of Pediatric Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery in the Central Research Institute for Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery.
He is EACMFS Councillor for Russian Federation, IAOMS Councillor for Russian Federation and Councillor of the Russian National Association of Maxillofacial Surgeons.
His research interests include new methods of surgical treatment, congenital pathology, bone pathology, craniofacial surgery, 3D modeling preparation for surgical treatment.
Dr A. Ivanov
Serbia Serbia Prof V. Konstantinovic

Professor VITOMIR S. KONSTANTINOVIĆ, DDS, MD, MSc, PhD, Specialist in Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dental medicine, University of Belgrade; Director of Serbian Dental Chamber;

EDUCATION: University of Belgrade – Faculty of Stomatology (1984), Faculty of Medicine (1992); Master of Science (MSc) Thesis (1991); Specialist in Maxillofacial Surgery (1993); Doctorate Thesis (PhD) (1996)

TEACHING AND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Professor in Maxillofacial surgery (1997 – ) and in Implantology (2002 -); member of Serbian Medical Academy (2006 -); Councillor for Serbia in EACMFS (2006-2012); European AO faculty (2006 –);President of Balkan Association of Maxillofacial Surgeons (2008-2011); Councillor for Serbia in IAOMS (2012-); Director of Serbian Dental Chamber (2013 – )

RESEARCH PROJECTS: from 1991 – principal investigator or collaborator more than 15 scientific projects;

MEMBERSHIPS OF ASSOCIATIONS: European Association for Cranio – Maxillo – Facial Surgery; International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons; Balkan Association of Maxillofacial Surgeons; Balkan Stomatological Society; Worldwide Forensic Odontology Contacts; Serbian medical Society; Serbian Association for Maxillofacial Surgery;

PUBLICATIONS & PRESENTATIONS: presented more than 200 scientific papers and reports; published 11 Textbooks, 43 articles in international journals, 9 in domestic, cited more than 520 times (WoS, Scopus); more than150 lectures by invitation

Dr A. Ivanov
Slovakia Slovakia Dr I. Malachovský

Slovenia Slovenia Dr L. Prodnik

Dr Prodnik graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University in Ljubljana in 2007. He completed the residency programme at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Ljubljana in 2015. In 2016, Dr Prodnik graduated from the Faculty of Dental Medicine. His main fields of interest have always been oncological surgery with microvascular reconstructions, facial trauma, and implantology. Since 2009, Dr Prodnik has been employed in the Department of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery at the University clinical centre in Ljubljana, the national referral centre for facial trauma and one of the three head and neck centres in Slovenia.
Spain Spain Dr F. Monje

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon. PHEBOMFS since 1996 .
Professor of Surgery Department Medical School Badajoz, Spain
Head of CICOM ( Center for Implantology. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery), Badajoz, Spain
President of FEDICOM (Foundation for Study and Development of Research in Implantology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery)
President of ESTMJS (European Society of Temporomandibular Joint Surgeons). 2014
National Price on Research in Pain , 2014
Author of several books
– Tratamiento quirurgico de la Patologia de la Articulación Temporomandibular, Ed. Ripano, 2009
– “Goya´s Painting and Dentofacial Deformities”. Ed. Planeta, 2009
– Surgical management of temporomandibular joint: Vol .1 Arthroscopy. Vol. 2 Open Joint Surgery. I Tunes Store, 2014
Sweden Sweden Dr O. Bjornsson

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, University Hospital of Lund, Sweden
– 1997 DDS
– 2004 Member of EACMFS
– 2005 Hugo Obwegeser scholarship
– 2006 Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
– 2006 AO Fellowship, Cleft and Maxillofacial unit, Morriston Hospital, Swansea, UK
– 2012- Head of specialist training program in OMFS
– 2022 President, Swedish Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
– Main interests; Maxillofacial trauma

Switzerland Switzerland Prof H. Essig

14.05.2009 Specialist for oral and maxillofacial surgery Medical Association of Lower Saxony
21.02.2012 Acquisition of additional advanced training in plastic and aesthetic surgery in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery
10.09.2012 Fellow of the European Board of Oro-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Head and Neck Surgery (EBOMFS-Assessment, Dubrovnik, Kroatien)
24.04.2013 Recognition as a specialist dentist for oral surgery Dental Association of Lower Saxony 31.05.2021 Certificate of Advanced Studies UZH in Oraler Implantology
30.11.2021 Certificate of Advanced Studies UZH in Orthognathic SurgeryProfessional qualification / Working Experiences
Seit 5/2018 Head of the Interdisciplinary Craniofacial Center (ICFC) of the University Hospital Zurich, the University Children’s Hospital Zurich and the Center for Dentistry of the University of Zurich
Seit 7/2020 Clinic Director ad interim of the Clinic for Maxillofacial Surgery of the University Hospital Zurich
Turkey Türkiye Prof M. Atac

UK UK Prof A. Kanatas

Professor Kanatas is an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon with special interests in Oral Oncology, Microvascular Reconstruction and Clinical education. He was trained in the UK (Liverpool and Leeds), and he is a Professor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in the University of Leeds. He is the author of over 250 publications in international peer-reviewed journals, two books (Co-editor of the Oxford handbook of Clinical Dentistry) and several book chapters. He is a Senior Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy and a member of the council of the British Association of Surgical Oncology.
Ukraine Ukraine Prof V. Malanchuk

Prof V. Malanchuk
Trainee Representative Dr L. Watson

Miss Watson received a Bachelor of Medicine (BM) from the University of Southampton and was subsequently awarded Honours in a Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS Hons) from Kings College London, with additional degrees in advanced human anatomy and medical research. As a maxillofacial surgery registrar in the Oxford deanery, Miss Watson is passionate about teaching and education, having established an international undergraduate teaching programme during her earlier years of training and working as a teacher for the Royal College of Surgeons of England during various undergraduate events. In addition to this, she has recently been awarded a surgical teaching associate role for Keble College, Oxford University. Miss Watson is the founding director of the UK’s leading training provider in aesthetic medicine, Acquisition Aesthetics and is also recognised as an ambassador for charities including Operation Smile and Refuge UK, having raised significants funds for these groups through her non-profit organisation Aesthetics United. Miss Watson hopes to bring a deeper sense of philanthropy to EACMFS and enrich the trainee experience of the association through enhancing the access and involvement of women, meaningful utilisation of social media and development of the website and online learning resources.
Deputy Trainee Representative Dr M. Tavakoli
