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The name of the organisation is the European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery.

The Association was founded on 19th March 1970 in Zurich Switzerland where it is registered.

The objectives of the Association are to promote Cranio-Maxillo-Facial surgery in theory and practice and to attempt to establish uniform training requirements for this in Europe and encourage these worldwide.

This Association continues to support the need for the acquisition of professional registerable qualifications in both medicine and dentistry, followed by core and specialist surgical training as stipulated within EU Directive 2005/36/EC, and its Annexes.

The training should comply with the prevailing standards published from time to time by the UEMS for Oro-Maxillo-Facial Surgery.

Academic and Professional Authorities within Member States should be encouraged to take into account prior learning obtained during the acquisition of the first professional qualification, either medicine or dentistry, and make an assessment of the educational credit to be given toward the second degree. Given the substantial overlap between the syllabi for undergraduate courses in medicine and dentistry, this Association believes that this should normally enable the second course to be shortened by two years.

4.1 Active Members shall be those persons working in the field of cranio-maxillofacial surgery normally residing in Europe; the territorial limits of which shall include those countries listed within the regulations of the World Health Organisation (Ref. Reg. 1.2.3 and Reg. Persons from outside Europe otherwise complying with Regulations for this category of Membership may apply to the Secretary General and independently to the President at least six months prior to the next General Assembly accompanied by written support from three Active or Honorary Members.

4.2. Other categories of membership exist (Ref. Reg. 1.1).

4.3 The official language shall be English. French and German shall be supplementary administrative languages.

4.4 Headquarters Office. This shall be designated by the General Assembly and shall be directed by a Secretary-General under the responsibility of the President.

5.1 Legislative and governing authority shall reside in the General Assembly which will consist of the Officers, Honorary Members, Founder and Active Members present.

5.2 Administrative authority shall reside in the Executive Committee and the administrative work as required shall be carried out by the Secretary-General.

5.3 The Council shall be an advisory body which includes all the EACMFS Officers and also delegates known as Councillors from the national associations which represent cranio-maxillofacial surgery* in the various countries of Europe. The Councillors may be the Presidents of or representatives elected by the National Associations. Ideally Councillors will be individual members of the EACMFS. However if they are not then they will be treated as voting Associate Members for the duration of their term on Council until they apply for Active membership of the Association . There should be provision for an elected representative of those Members holding trainee status within EACMFS to serve on Council.

5.4 The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, the Immediate PastPresident, the Senior and Junior Presidents-Elect, the Secretary-General, the Treasurer, the Editor-in-Chief, the Education & Training Officer, the Media Development Officer, the Assistant Secretary and up to three elected Executive Advisers each of whom should hold or have held previously voting rights according to Regulation 1.1.

The Officers are:
The President
The Immediate Past-President
The Senior President-Elect
The Junior President-Elect
The Secretary-General
The Assistant Secretary
The Treasurer
The Editor-in-Chief
The Education & Training Officer
The Media Development Officer

The Association shall hold a Congress every two years and Extraordinary Meetings may be convened either at the discretion of the Executive Committee or upon receipt by the Secretary General of a written request signed by not less than twenty Active, Founder or Honorary Members.

A Congress shall consist of a Scientific Meeting and a General Assembly.

The present Articles may be amended by a three quarters majority vote of the voting members of the General Assembly provided that the Council has been informed of the motion prior to the meeting.

The Association may be dissolved either by a mail ballot with a three-quarters majority or in accordance with the provisions detailed in Article 8. Any financial funds remaining at the time of dissolution must be transferred to an independent non-profit making medical institution with no direct relationship with Members of the Association.

The Association receives finance from Members’ subscriptions (according to the Regulation 1 as varied from time to time with the approval of the General Assembly), contributions by Friends of the Association and other benefactors, income associated with the Journal of the Association (according to Regulation 6), monies received from organising committees of biennial Congresses of the Association, income from investments made by the Treasurer on behalf of Members of the Association and income from miscellaneous sales.



1.1 Classification

The members of the Association shall be classified as:

Founder Members

Honorary Members

Active Members

Specialist Trainee Members

Junior Trainee and Undergraduate Student Members

Associate Members

Provisional Members

Retired Members

Only Officers, Founder and Active Members shall have the right to vote. Honorary and paying Retired Members shall have the right to vote if they were previously Founder or Active Members.

1.2 Qualification of Membership

1.2.1 Founder Members were elected at the inauguration of the Association and were required to fulfil all the criteria of an Active Member. No further additions to this category are permitted.

1.2.2 Honorary Members shall be limited to twenty-five at any one time and be practitioners of great eminence who have made major contributions to cranio-maxillo-facial surgery*. Any Active Member may nominate an individual supported by a curriculum vitae submitted to the Councillor responsible for the appropriate region and then forwarded to the Secretary-General. The application will be included in the Agenda of the next Council Meeting and anydecision by the Council to recommend such an application for consideration by the General Assembly must be unanimous. The name will then be submitted to the General Assembly and must be approved by a three-quarters majority. Honorary Members will be exempt from both Annual Subscriptions and Congress Registration fees.

1.2.3 Active Members shall be persons undertaking the major part of their work in a range of cranio-maxillo-facial surgery* and have satisfied the education & training requirements of this for the country in which they practice. They shall have had at least five years of postgraduate training including one year in general surgery or related surgical specialties of which not less than four years should have been in cranio-maxillo-facial surgery. Persons not fulfilling the conditions under 1.2.3. and who have made outstanding contributions to the field of cranio-maxillo-facial surgery* may have their names submitted for election to Active membership through the Council by the General Assembly. Each candidate must be presented to the General Assembly for evaluation and approval. Candidates elected under this Regulation will not normally exceed five percent of the total Founder and Active Membership

1.2.4 Founder or Active Members who move to professional posts outside the confines of Europe may apply to the Secretary-General for retention of their present Membership status. This application will be considered by Council and may be recommended to the General Assembly for final confirmation.

1.2.5 Specialist Trainee Members.
The definition of a specialist trainee may vary from country to country. Specialist trainees certified on European training programmes complying with the European guidelines for specialist training in cranio-maxillo-facial surgery* will be eligible for this category of membership if their application is supported by their Head of Department and the Councillor for their region. They shall not have the right to vote at the General Assembly. When Trainee Members have completed their training and satisfied the criteria of Reg. 1.2.3, they will not be entitled to continue as a trainee member, but should then apply for their membership category to be changed to either Active or Associate Membership..

1.2.6 Junior Trainee and Undergraduate Student Membership (JTUS)
Membership will be available in this category to any medical or dental graduate aspiring to become a specialist in cranio-maxillo-facial surgery. This category of membership is also available to medical or dental undergraduate students. Eligibility for membership in this category will be determined by self-declaration of status by the applicant, The Councillor for the region will be notified of all applications, from within the region for which they are responsible. JTUS members who become specialist trainees, or specialists, will not be entitled to continue as a JTUS member, but should apply for their membership category to be changed as appropriate to their status (see above).

1.2.7 Associate Members shall be graduates working in cranio-maxillo-facial surgery or related fields. They shall not have the right to vote at the General Assembly.

1.2.8 Provisional Members. See Regulation 1.3, paragraph 1.3.4

1.2.9 Retired Members. Founder Members, Active Members and Associate Members who have retired from surgical practice may at their written request to the Secretary-General be nominated as Retired Members. Such members may attend all functions of the Association upon payment of the Congress fee but will not be required to pay the annual subscription. Retired Members may upon payment of an appropriate fee receive the Journal of the Association and may at their request have their names retained on the list of Members of the Association under the retired category. They will not however have the right to vote at the General Assembly unless they have been former Founder or Active members.

* According to the scope of the specialty as set down in European Guidelines for Specialty Training in Oro-Maxillofacial Surgery UEMS 2002

1.3 Application for Membership

1.3.1 When signing the application for Active, Trainee, JTUS or Associate Provisional Membership the applicant will promise to support the objects and aims of the Association as set out in Article 3 and will endeavour to promote cranio-maxillo-facial & oral surgery as an independent specialty.

1.3.2 Active Members and Associate Members
Application may be made to the Secretary-General at any time supported by the signature of the Secretary General as well as the National Councillor, accompanied by copies of diplomas and training certificates provided that such an application is submitted not less than three months prior to the next General Assembly.

1.3.3 A list of applicants applying for membership shall be provided by the Secretary-General for all voting members at the General Assembly during each Congress. They must have been checked and accepted by the Secretary-General and Councillor of the applicant’s country and approved by the Council on the recommendation of the Executive Committee. Only Founder and Active Members shall have the right to vote for the election of such candidates. Honorary and paying Retired Members shall have the right to vote if they were previously Founder or Active Members.

1.3.4 Provisional Acceptance of Membership shall be decided by the Secretary-General and the proposals will be brought before the Executive Committee and Council who shall in turn make recommendations to the next General Assembly for final confirmation. The Secretary-General or Assistant Secretary shall submit names of applicants within three months of their receipt either to the members of the Executive Committee or to Council whichever is the most expeditious. The names of those persons provisionally accepted for membership shall constitute the list submitted to the membership for consideration at the General Assembly (1.3.3.). Any subsequent applications following acceptance by Council shall be submitted directly to the General Assembly for final confirmation. However,should an application for membership in any category be rejected the applicant or the sponsors shall have the right of appeal to the General Assembly. On acceptance by the Executive Committee on a provisional basis or following election by the General Assembly each person shall pay an initial annual subscription. In the event that a provisionally approved application is not confirmed by the General Assembly all annual subscriptions previously paid shall be refunded in full.

1.4 Termination of Membership

1.4.1 Membership may be terminated on a motion of Council or by a submission from ten Founder or Active Members provided that such a course of action is approved by a three quarters majority at the General Assembly. Membership shall be automatically terminated if subscriptions are two years in arrears despite two written reminders which have reached the individual.

1.4.2 Active Members are normally expected to attend at least one out of three consecutive Congresses of the Association. Membership shall ordinarily be terminated in the case of a failure to fulfil this obligation without an adequate reason. The final decision shall rest with the Council.


2.l Friends of the Association. Persons or organisations who support the objectives of the Association with contributions may be registered by the Council as Friends of the Association. These persons or a representative from an organisation may attend Congresses of the Association but are not entitled to a vote.

2.2 Court of Patrons. These shall be persons not necessarily medically or dentally qualified who have rendered exceptional and outstanding service to the Association. Any member eligible to vote may submit a name in writing to the Secretary-General not less than three months prior to the next Congress for submission to the Council. If approved by the Council the name shall be announced and voted upon at the General Assembly. A majority of three quarters of those present and eligible to vote shall be required. Those persons elected to the Court of Patrons shall receive a commemorative medallion and a certificate and be entitled to attend all scientific and social events free of charge. They will not however be entitled to vote. The names of such persons shall be published in the Journal. Membership of the Court of Patrons shall not exceed ten persons at any one time.


3.1 The General Assembly shall be the supreme legislative and governing body of the Association and is responsible in particular for the following duties: Election of Officers of the Association; Amendment of the Articles or Regulations; Approval of the acceptance and termination of membership as recommended by the Council; Approval of the Reports of the Secretary-General, Treasurer, Editor-in-Chief and other Officers; Approval of the Accounts and Annual Budget; Determination of the Annual Subscription; Establishment of the location of future Congresses and upon the proposal of the Council selection of the main themes of the Scientific Programme.

3.2 Mail Ballot The Executive Committee can decree a mail ballot on matters of their choice. Members must receive the ballot papers at least fourteen days prior to the voting date.

3.3 Council and Executive Committee  

3.3.1 Special Responsibilities  

The President shall preside over the General Assembly, the Congresses, the meetings of the Council and the Executive Committee.

The Immediate Past-President shall preside in the absence of the President. If the former is also absent the Senior President-Elect shall preside. If neither is available the senior member of the Council present shall preside and normally this will be another President Elect.

The Senior Presidentshall preside in the absence of the President and Immediate Past-President. If both are absent the senior Councillor present shall preside and normally this will be another President Elect.

The Secretary-General shall be responsible for the administrative office and the direction of all administrative duties

The Assistant Secretary shall in the absence of the Secretary-General or at his request perform the duties of the office. The Assistant Secretary shall in the event of a vacancy in the office of the Secretary-General temporarily assume the duties of that office until the Executive Committee
shall have filled the vacancy for the unexpired term. The Assistant Secretary shall assist the Secretary-General in the performance of the duties in such a manner as the Secretary-General shall direct.

The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial business of the Association and shall submit a report to each meeting of the Executive Committee, the Council and the General Assembly at each Congress.

The Editor-In-Chief (See Regulation 6, paragraph 6.2).

The Education & Training Officer shall be responsible for the promotion and co-ordination of postgraduate courses for the Association and shall submit a written report to each meeting of the Executive Committee, the Council and General Assembly at each Congress.

The Media Development Officer shall be responsible for the maintenance and progressive development of the educational and other facilities offered electronically by the Association and shall submit a written report to each meeting of the Executive Committee, the Council and General Assembly at each Congress.

Executive Advisers shall have a responsibility to make recommendations to the Executive Committee in relation to the Objectives of the Association according to Article 3.

3.3.2 Election and Tenure of Office. With the exception of the President members of the Council who are eligible for re-election shall be elected every other year by the General Assembly. The names of those who are so eligible will be published in the Agenda of the General Assembly by the Council but it will be possible for alternative names to be included provided that these persons are Founder or Active Members and that their nominations are forwarded to the Secretary-General not less than three months prior to the next Congress by four Founder or Active Members from at least two different countries accompanied by a written statement that the person nominated is willing to serve in the relevant capacity. However in the case of a nomination for a change in the office of a Councillor this should be supported by at least three Founder or Active Members from the relevant area or group of countries. When a vacancy occurs because of the expiry of the tenure of office or for any other cause the Secretary-General shall announce this in writing to all Founder or Active members normally not less than six months prior to the next Congress and invite nominations in accordance with the foregoing regulations. If a nomination has not been received by the time of the First Council Meeting it shall be the duty of the Council to nominate someone to fill the vacancy. The voting for all such elections or nominations shall take place at the General Assembly by written ballot. In the event of an equal number of votes being cast for a candidate the Council’s decision shall be final.

The Tenure of Office for the President shall be restricted to two years, that of Executive Officers and Councillors to six years.

3.3.3 Quorum At any Council Meeting there shall be a quorum consisting of the President or the Immediate Past-President or a President Elect; the Secretary-General or the Assistant Secretary; the Treasurer or a deputy appointed by him, and not less than three Councillors who do not hold any other office on the Council; a minimum of twelve persons.
At any Executive Committee Meeting there shall be a quorum consisting of the President or the Immediate Past-President or a President Elect; the Secretary-General or the Assistant Secretary; and the Treasurer or a deputy appointed by him for the occasion; a minimum of four persons.
At any General Assembly a quorum should consist of not less than twenty Founder or Active
Members present and voting in person.

3.4 Financial Report. The General Assembly shall elect two Voting Members every other year. These Members shall examine the professionally audited accounts and assets and shall present a report thereon.

3.5 A Congress Coordinator shall from time to time as determined by Council be appointed to advise the President and President Elect upon the organisation of future Congresses.

3.6 A Public Relations Manager shall from time to time as determined by the Council be appointed to organise and coordinate publicity for the Association and its Congresses.

3.7 Secretaries for the General Assembly. Two shall be appointed by the Council at each Congress. They will be required to supply the Secretary-General with a Report of the Proceedings.


The General Assembly may appoint Committees for the transaction of certain business if so proposed by the Council.

5.1 The Congress, which will be held every second year, shall be composed of a Scientific Meeting, a General Assembly and at least one meeting of the Council.

5.2 The General Assembly shall invite eligible members of three different countries to organise Congresses at planned dates; in the first case not less than four years, in the second case not less than six years beforehand and in the third case not less than eight years beforehand.

5.3 The organisation of a Congress shall be entrusted to a Local Committee who shall elect a Chairman. The President, Secretary-General, Treasurer and Congress Coordinator shall be entitled, if they so wish, to attend meetings of the Local Committee and to have a vote upon the proceedings. The Local Committee shall adhere to the general instructions of the Council and prepare a detailed programme which shall be submitted for approval. The Council shall be entitled to issue special instructions concerning the Scientific Programme and the financial resources available for the Congress.

5.4 Languages. Simultaneous interpretation shall be provided if the President of the Congress is able to make adequate finance available without additional input from the financial resources of the Association.

5.5 At the conclusion of a Congress it shall be the responsibility of the President of that Congress to obtain professionally audited accounts showing the detailed income and expenditure, profit or loss and to forward these to the current President, the Secretary-General and the Treasurer not less than twelve months prior to the next Congress. The Association shall be responsible for the costs involved in the preparation of this Audit.

5.6 Any profits shall be transmitted as soon as possible to the Treasurer of the Association. Any loss sustained shall be the responsibility of the Association unless this be due to negligence.


6.1 The Association shall publish its own Journal which unless otherwise decreed will be entitled Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery

6.2 Direction and Editorship. The Editor-in-Chief shall be responsible to the Council for the overall policy of the Journal. An Editorial Committee shall be formed to assist the Editor with at least one member from each of the three main language groups (see Article 4.3).


The Regulations may be amended by a three quarters majority vote of the voting members of the General Assembly provided that the Council has been informed of the motion prior to the meeting.