EACMFS prizes and awards are designed to provide educational support and also to allow the opportunity for trainees and those who have recently achieved specialist status to visit units outside their own departments.
Online application forms available in the members’ area.
Endowment Committee
The Endowment Committee of the Association oversees all applications in order to ensure fair distribution of scholarships and the presentation of speedy recommendations to the Executive Committee. Advice on all applications is available from the Secretariat of the Association.
Educational Grants
A grant of €300 per year is available to each Junior Trainee and Undergraduate Student Member on a European training pathway and Specialist Trainee Member (excluding Non-European JTUS members and Associate Trainee members) to support attendance at the Rolling Programme of Education. Details of application will be available at each course. Membership for at least one year required.
Applications for the Rolling Programme Educational Grants – one per calendar year accepted.
In addition, applications may be submitted for only one of the following per calendar year:
- Professor John Lowry Congress Scholarship (available Congress years only)
- Professor Helene Matras Congress Scholarship (available Congress years only)
- Hugo Obwegeser Travelling Scholarship
- Rosalind Dancygier Travelling Fellowship
However, applications may also be submitted for concurrent consideration for the Leibinger Award (Congress years only) and the KLS-Martin Fellowship (annual).
EACMFS membership should precede all applications by a minimum of one year.
KLS-Martin Fellowship Awarded by EACMFS – €5000.00
One scientific fellowship per year for Head & Neck Oncology, Orthognathic Surgery or Trauma Management to support and enhance scientific training and education in the field of CMF is available for the following category of members:
- Junior Trainee and Undergraduate Student Members on a European training pathway
- Specialist Trainee Members of EACMFS (plus those who have successfully completed training as specialists within three years of the date of application).
Applicants should be members for at least one year and reside/work inside the confines of Europe. Non-European JTUS members and Associate Trainee members are not eligible for this award.
The visitation should commence within 12 months of the award date.
The Endowments Committee of the Association oversees all applications and the Fellowships are awarded based upon scientific and educational criteria.
Important: Applications may be submitted for only one of the following per calendar year:
- Professor John Lowry Congress Scholarship (available Congress years only)
- Professor Helene Matras Congress Scholarship (available Congress years only)
- Hugo Obwegeser Travelling Scholarship
- Rosalind Dancygier Travelling Fellowship
However, applications may also be submitted for concurrent consideration for the Leibinger Award (Congress years only) and the KLS-Martin Fellowship (annual).
EACMFS membership should precede all applications by a minimum of one year.
Deadline – 30th June (annual)
Please sign into the members area to access the application form.
Leibinger Award
The Leibinger Award Presented by Stryker is designed to support a period of targeted education & training away from the host programme of the successful candidate.
The award will be given every two years. The award will be presented officially at a high profile event in the main auditorium during the biennial EACMFS Congress and successful candidates will be expected to attend. The visit duration shall be left to the discretion of the applicant as long as the proposed budget does not exceed the award amount and the trip commences within 12 months from the award date.
The award shall support the successful candidates to gain further experience in the fields of maxillofacial trauma, orthognathic surgery, H&N oncology, or craniofacial reconstruction by visiting specialized centres.
The award shall be comprised of two parts:
- €5,000.00 scholarship, per awardee, to cover travel and accommodation at the host centre.
- An additional amount up to €750, per awardee, to cover travel expenses so the recipient can deliver a verbal, post-visit presentation at the EACMFS Council dinner or another event agreed upon by the representatives from Stryker and the EACMFS Executive Committee.
Successful candidates will be required to submit a written report to the Secretary General not more than three months after return from the host unit.
The Leibinger Award is restricted to Junior Trainee and Undergraduate Student Members on a European training pathway and Specialist Trainee Members of EACMFS (plus those who have successfully completed training as specialists within three years of the date of application) and are decided by the Endowment Committee ratified by the Executive Committee and reported to the Council. Applicants should be members for at least one year and reside/work inside the confines of Europe. Non-European JTUS members and Associate Trainee members are not eligible for this award.
Requirements of the application:
- EACMFS Membership should precede the application by one year
- Attendance at the following biennial EACMFS Congress (copy of registration/payment receipt)
- Acceptance of oral presentation at the following biennial EACMFS Congress
The theme of the presentation should be relative to the anticipated scope of the visitation
(copy of abstract plus abstract acceptance) - Submission of a completed application form
- Detailed curriculum vitae
- Summary of career aspirations and contributions already made to the specialty
- Details of the aims, objectives and the gains anticipated by the visitation.
Important: Applications may be submitted for only one of the following per calendar year:
- Professor John Lowry Congress Scholarship (available Congress years only)
- Professor Helene Matras Congress Scholarship (available Congress years only)
- Hugo Obwegeser Travelling Scholarship
- Rosalind Dancygier Travelling Fellowship
However, applications may also be submitted for concurrent consideration for the Leibinger Award (Congress years only) and the KLS-Martin Fellowship (annual).
EACMFS membership should precede all applications by a minimum of one year.
Deadline – 30th June (Congress years only)
Signed approval by the host and visiting programme directors is mandatory and it is strongly recommended that prospective candidates seek advice and approval from the respective national bodies supervising the training programmes.
Please sign into the members area to access the application form.
These scholarships (up to a maximum of €2000) made on the recommendation of the Endowment Committee are designed to encourage Junior Trainee Undergraduate Student Members on a European training pathway and Specialist Trainee Members of EACMFS (plus those who have successfully completed training as specialists within three years of the date of application) to travel to other countries to enhance their education and raining.
Applicants should be members for at least one year and reside/work inside the confines of Europe. Non-European JTUS members and Associate Trainee members are not eligible for this award.
Full details of the planned visit will be required together with a letter from the host unit confirming the arrangements and signed approval of the head of department of the current post. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that approval for leave of absence has been obtained from the employing authority. EACMFS will not be responsible for the payment of locum-tenens fees at any time and it is strongly recommended that prospective candidates seek advice and approval from the respective national bodies supervising the training programmes. Successful candidates will be required to submit a written report to the Secretary General not more than three months after return from the host unit.
Important: Applications may be submitted for only one of the following per calendar year:
- Professor John Lowry Congress Scholarship (available Congress years only)
- Professor Helene Matras Congress Scholarship (available Congress years only)
- Hugo Obwegeser Travelling Scholarship
- Rosalind Dancygier Travelling Fellowship
However, applications may also be submitted for concurrent consideration for the Leibinger Award (Congress years only) and the KLS-Martin Fellowship (annual).
EACMFS membership should precede all applications by a minimum of one year.
Applications reviewed regularly by the Endowments Committee (no specific deadline).
Teaching Centres Network (Blue book)
Please sign into the members area to access the application form.
These scholarships made on a competitive basis on the recommendation of the Endowment Committee are designed to support Trainee Members of EACMFS from the Eastern European Countries (and those who have successfully completed training as specialists within three years of the date of application) in their participation in the 28th Congress of the Association in Athens (15-18th September 2026).
Applicants should be members for at least one year and reside/work inside the confines of Europe. Non-European JTUS members and Associate Trainee members are not eligible for this award.
Candidates should have submitted an abstract for the presentation of a paper or poster in the main scientific programme and a copy of this and its acceptance is required with the application.
Each applicant should submit a curriculum vitae highlighting career aspirations and contributions already made to the specialty together with the aims, objectives and the gains anticipated from participation in the Congress.
Important: Applications may be submitted for only one of the following per calendar year:
- Professor John Lowry Congress Scholarship (available Congress years only)
- Professor Helene Matras Congress Scholarship (available Congress years only)
- Hugo Obwegeser Travelling Scholarship
- Rosalind Dancygier Travelling Fellowship
However, applications may also be submitted for concurrent consideration for the Leibinger Award (Congress years only) and the KLS-Martin Fellowship (annual).
EACMFS membership should precede all applications by a minimum of one year.
Deadline – 30th June (Congress years only)
Trainee Members of the EACMFS from the following Eastern European Countries are eligible for the Scholarship:
Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, Kosovo, Lithuania, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Türkiye, Ukraine
Please sign into the members area to access the application form.
These scholarships made on a competitive basis on the recommendation of the Endowment Committee are designed to support Junior Trainee and Undergraduate Student Members on a European training pathway and Specialist Trainee Members of EACMFS (plus those who have successfully completed training as specialists within three years of the date of application) in their participation in the 28th Congress in Athens (15-18th September 2026).
Applicants should be members for at least one year and reside/work inside the confines of Europe. Non-European JTUS members and Associate Trainee members are not eligible for this award.
Candidates should have submitted an abstract for the presentation of a paper or poster in the main scientific programme and a copy of this and its acceptance is required with the application.
Each applicant should submit a curriculum vitae highlighting career aspirations and contributions already made to the specialty together with the aims, objectives and the gains anticipated from participation in the Congress.
Important: Applications may be submitted for only one of the following per calendar year:
- Professor John Lowry Congress Scholarship (available Congress years only)
- Professor Helene Matras Congress Scholarship (available Congress years only)
- Hugo Obwegeser Travelling Scholarship
- Rosalind Dancygier Travelling Fellowship
However, applications may also be submitted for concurrent consideration for the Leibinger Award (Congress years only) and the KLS-Martin Fellowship (annual).
EACMFS membership should precede all applications by a minimum of one year.
Deadline – 30th June (Congress years only)
Please sign into the members area to access the application form.
Applicants should submit a detailed curriculum vitae highlighting career aspirations and contributions already made to the specialty together with the aims, objectives and the gains anticipated from the fellowship.The Fellowship will allow active participation in clinical care and normally be of not more than three months duration. Signed approval by the training programme director of the home unit as well as the UCLH host programme director is mandatory.
It is strongly recommended that prospective trainee candidates seek advice and approval from the respective national body supervising their training programme and also ensure that they are eligible for appropriate registration with the General Medical Council www.gmc-uk.org to gain maximum clinical advantage from the visit. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that approval for leave of absence has been obtained from the employing authority. EACMFS will not be responsible for the payment of locum-tenens fees at any time. Successful candidates will be required to submit a written report to the Secretary General not more than three months after return from the host unit.
Important: Applications may be submitted for only one of the following per calendar year:
- Professor John Lowry Congress Scholarship (available Congress years only)
- Professor Helene Matras Congress Scholarship (available Congress years only)
- Hugo Obwegeser Travelling Scholarship
- Rosalind Dancygier Travelling Fellowship
However, applications may also be submitted for concurrent consideration for the Leibinger Award (Congress years only) and the KLS-Martin Fellowship (annual).
EACMFS membership should precede all applications by a minimum of one year.
Please sign into the members area to access the application form.